Goddess of Animals
Winged, muscular Artemis with lion and stag, dressed in archaic patterned style of weaving.
Gold plaque necklace from Rhodes showing the winged Artemis with lions. This style of goddess between rampant animals originated in west Asia and spread into the Aegean region by the 8th century.
Winged Goddess with waterbirds,
from Corinth, 590 bce
Artemis in her chariot drawn by deer. South Italy, circa 430
![red painted vase fragment with Artemis](/art/greece/italartemis430.jpg)
Bear Girls approach the altar of Artemis in Arkteia ceremonies at
Brauronia, Greece
Well-muscled maidens hunting |
Girl holding rabbit, one of many sculptures left at Brauronia as votive offerings to Artemis
Bronze vessel of Etruscan or Rhodian craftship found in a mound at Graeckwyl, Switzerland, dated to the 7th century bce.
The winged goddess is flanked by four lions, the upper two resting on two snakes that emerge from her head. An eagle sits on her head, and she holds two hares in her hands.