Thracian Goddess Chalices and Plaques
The Rogozen Ewer
Another side of the Rogozen Ewer, which has two images of a goddess riding on lions. If you compare carefully, the folds on the robes for example, you'll see that they are different.
These most likely represent Kotys, great goddess of Thrace,
now called Bulgaria
Another chased silver ewer from Rogozen.
Is it Dionysos (see vines), or a goddess (see breasts)?
Yet another ewer from Rogozen, showing a winged Artemis Bendis with lions in each hand. The Bendis identification comes in with the two riders approaching from both sides, unusual in that their steeds have human heads.
Shamanic woman riding a dragon, one of the silver and gold plaques from Letnitsa, Bulgaria.
Another Letnitsa plaque showing a woman with mirror conjuring a dragon with three wolf-heads.