La Diosa de los Lobos

"Wolf-Goddess" of La Umbria de Salchite

Some suggest that this is a male figure,
but note the hips wider than shoulders.
The deity's arms terminate in wolf-heads.

red ochre painted pot with wolf-person in tunic


Silver offering plate with repoussée wolf-head.
The inlaid design around it shows an enthroned deity flanked by boars and approached by a worshipper.
At upper left is a crouching figure
that resembles a shiela-na-gig.

Tavissa, Tarragona, northeast Spain.

sketch of the wolf plate

A sketch of the plate shows more detail.
The enthroned deity resembles the limestone goddesses
such as la Dama de Baza, whose throne has the same lion-feet. Here the goddess holds what appears to be a fruit. The artist has rendered the crouching figure as masculine, but this pose is commonly associated with naked goddesses.

section of silver plate with wolf head protruding from center, and inlaid metal design around rim



A stone relief from the Pozo Moro
funerary monument shows animal
spirits banqueting in the underworld.

carved stone relief of animals banqueting



Las Damitas de Corral de Saus>>

Max Dashu | Suppressed Histories Archives | Gallery | Female Icons