Readings and discussions include:
The Webs of Wyrd
Norns and Fatas. Philosophies of Time and Being
The Three Weird Sisters, over the centuries
Weordhung and weordscipe: well-weirding, and "waking the well"
The Craeft of Wycces
Women's weaving ceremonies. Curing, measuring, and midwifery belts
Sacred cloths and banners. Weaving, prophecy, and divination
Origins of the name witch. Witch trees, and wicks, and the quick
Ligatura: Sacred Knots, healing and ceremony. Amulets and talismans
Knots in birth control and as contractual agreements
Names of the Witch
Prophetic women. Sorcery and lots. The Völur. Incantation.
Healing witches. Herb-gathering. Una / Mugwort / Name of Chernobyl.
Shapeshifters. Mascae. Wolf-riders and Night-farers.
Hagedisse, hedge-riders, and Hexen.
Mystery, Symbols, and Divination. Rune poems.
Odin versus the Völur. Women who take up the runes.
Valkyries and waelcygean. Helrunes and the Alraun.
Rites of the Dísir
The Cailleach Bhéara as ancestor, builder, harvest figure
The Hag's Chair at Loughcrew. The House of Boand, and her name.
The Lament of Buí, and christianizing rewrites.
Scottish traditions. Hags versus heroes. More sheila-na-gigs.
The Witch Holda and Her Retinue
Regino, Raterius, and the Witches' Goddess
Corrector Burchardi: Is There Any Woman Who?
Canon Episcopii: the Goddess Demonized. Searching for Herodias
The Witch Holda. Swanfoot Berthe, and The Time When Berthe Span
Women Who Lay Tables for the Fates
Witch Burnings
Pagans Into Sorcerers. Revelations amidst canonical fulminations
Witch laws of the Franks, italians, Spanish, English
"Witch and whore!" Of English kings and prelates. The Danelaw.
Hunts in Germany, Russia, France, Hungary
The Witch's Prophecy. Heidh and the seidhr trance
Freyja, Vanir and Aesir
Fylgjur and ancestral protection
Utiseta: "sitting out" on the land
The course also features webcasts (live visual presentations) on these and related subjects, including more recent folk beliefs and ceremonies.
Max Dashú
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